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Program of fight against pooverty

Togo underwent an economic crisis of more than four consecutive years due to the political troubles, worsened by the devaluation of CFA franc of 50 % in 1994. The consequences rising from this situation felt on all the levels (state, companies, households), and especially of the social layers with low incomes. It's within the framework of a support for the economic revival of the country that the Association initiated and launched its Campaign Against Poverty in Togo. The elaboration of such program concerns our will to place human in the center of all the actions of development and chosen a durable human development to make a success of a humanly satisfactory community.
The program is based on a complete diagnosis of the current situation: poverty in Togo is characterized primarily by the unemployment and the weakness of the income of existing employment, which involves ipso facto problems of access with food and a salubrious dwelling. Poverty touches especially the rural zones with knowing the rural and country workers as well as the underprivileged social groups. The strategy of this program rests primarily on actions identified like having to contribute to the agricultural development thus involving a reduction of poverty. The increase of the agricultural production is the engine of the economic development in the agricultural economics. The improvement of agricultural production and the rural development are effective means to improve the condition of poor population.

The Campaign Against Poverty initiated by the Volunteers Without Borders pursues the following goals:

1-To Converge Resources Towards Agriculture And The Rural Development:

The Association put a premium on the consultations with the poor rural populations in the design, the development and the evaluation of the programs and projects of development. The Association supports the initiatives of development of resources for agriculture and the rural development, the increase of the productivity, which will lead to high rural incomes and which will improve food safety. Rural education is done by the members of Association in collaboration with Professors and Student graduate of Agronomy. The recipients of this education are the small farmers and farmers. The goal of this education is to make it possible to the farmers and small farm to have a better knowledge of the farming techniques, agricultural methods, a better land use, cultures and cattle. The policy agricultural economy of the Association put a premium on: -
the training and control in the creation and the development of the companies and micro companies; the information of the small farmers and farmers on the possibilities and of sources of investments and of finance.
- the promotion of the agricultural produce;
- the evaluation and management of the projects: The goal of this section is to take along the small farmers and farmers to make increase their income while passing by the creation of companies and micro companies and by maintaining the development of those.

2-To Provide The Complement Necessary To The Exchanges And The Farm Initiatives:

The programs of micro credit make the credits accessible to the populations with low income, stimulating the development of small companies .The Association develops an understanding plan to provide an assistance of micro credit and will initiate new efforts of micro credit to improve the capacity and the output of the agricultural production. This plan includes :
a financial and institutional support for the small farmers and rural contractors, the farm co-operatives thus farmers organisations; The accord of micro credit to improve the agricultural productivity; this plan will be made as follows:
- A -Study of the Country Project: By this study, the Administrator of the Program of Micro Credit will note the subject of the project, his importance and anticipated and potential results and the possibilities of success of the project. The Micro Credit will be made if the Administrators of the Programs Micro Credit and Rural Development consider the Project Country acceptable and favourable according to following points': - the realisation of the Project -the importance of the Project in the development and the prosperity of the recipient and his community.
- B - Granting of the Micro Credit: After favourable judgement, the Micro Credit will be granted and paid completely or partly according to the required amount and the needs for the realisation of the project.
- C - Follow-up and institutional Support: After according the Micro Credit, the Administrator of the Program Agricultural and Rural Development will co-ordinate with the profit farmers of Micro Credit a strategy of follow-up and support throughout the realisation of the project.

3-To establish New Relations of investments:

The Association encourages and works with the Institutions investing in the emergent developing countries and markets to extend their co-operations and operations to the NGO and the Voluntary Organisations which work directly with the rural populations.
- The Association can extend its services, including the loans and gifts to serve the needs for the women, the small farmers and the small rural companies.
This structure of private investment based on the concept of the participation in the development recognizes the importance Organizations of farmers and in the development and provides them the support necessary to their development and prosperity. In addition to the main program of agricultural development, the Association initiates three subroutine whose priority activities also contribute them to the lowering of poverty.

4-Creation of Employment and distribution of incomes to the profit of the populations low in rural and urban areas:

In rural areas a series of activities was identified referring itself: - with the improvement and the development of the agricultural production, of breading and fishing; - with the rehabilitation/construction of infrastructures of communication - with the .environment/forestry for the safeguarding of the natural resources.
In urban areas a series of activities was identified referring itself: - with the rehabilitation/construction school and medical infrastructures - with the purification - with the creation of technological competencies by programs of assistance with the young people without employment and promotion of private enterprise.

5- Improvement of social services to the poor populations:

One distinguishes here three components with priority series of identified activities :health and the nutrition: care of primary health, maternal and infantile health, nutrition and hygiene, fight against the AIDS and the MST. The alimentation and the purification: preparation of programs of social housing built with materials local and accessible to the poor populations; cleansing with a support with the creation of public WC- Basic Education, Elimination of illiteracy and vocational training.

6 - Measurements of accompanying to stabilize the fight against poverty:

This subroutine is primarily devoted to female promotion, the underprivileged and vulnerable groups, the reinforcement of the Community capacities and of frame of the basic initiatives. It covers a formation of activities l referring to children, with the support of the female groups, with the installation of data bases and mechanisms of follow-up of poverty.
